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Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to the 2024 NFXF Advocacy Training

  • 2

    What Are We Doing Here and Why

    • What Are Our Advocacy Goals?

    • What Accomplishments have Fragile X Advocates Achieved?

    • Quiz

  • 3

    The Importance of Telling Your Story

    • The Importance of Telling Your Story

    • Other Storytelling Tips

    • Ideas for How to Make Your Advocate Leave Behind

    • Telling Your Story Quiz

  • 4

    Congress 101

    • Welcome to Congress 101 - the NFXF Version

    • Who Do Our Member of Congress Represent?

    • What is a Committee?

    • What is a Caucus?

    • What Are the Different Federal Spending Types?

    • What Does Appropriations Mean?

    • What is an Appropriations Request?

    • What is a Continuing Resolution and How Does it Impact our 'Asks"?

    • Additional Resources

    • Congress 101 Quiz

  • 5

    The Ask's

    • The 'Ask's"

    • How are the 'Asks' determined each year?

    • Why are the 'Asks' shared with advocates just before Advocacy Day?

    • Supporting Fragile X Research Funding

    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    • National Institutes of Health (NIH)

    • Department of Defense (DOD) Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program

    • Joining the Fragile X Caucus - HOUSE ONLY REQUEST

    • 2024 Legislative 'Ask'

    • 2024 'Asks' Quiz

  • 6

    Agenda for February 26 - February 27th

    • February 26th Agenda

    • February 27th Agenda

  • 7

    After Your Meetings are Over

    • Meeting Follow-Up

    • Quiz

  • 8


    • Course Feedback