Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Who is this for?

    • How people hear about Fragile X

    • The different Fragile X-associated disorders

    • Quiz -Introduction

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    Genetics and Inheritance of Fragile X

    • Cells, Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA

    • Genes

    • Chromosomes

    • FMR1

    • FMRP

    • FMR1 Expansions - Intermediate/Gray Zone

    • FMR1 Expansions - Premutation

    • FMR1 Expansions - Full Mutation

    • How is Fragile X Inherited

    • Quiz - Genetics & Inheritance of Fragile X

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    Fragile X Syndrome

    • Characteristics

    • Females with a Full Mutation

    • Treatments for FXS

    • Quiz - Fragile X Syndrome

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    • Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS)

    • Fragile X-associated Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (FXPOI)

    • Treatments for FXTAS

    • Treatments for FXPOI

    • Quiz - FXTAS and FXPOI

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    Clinics and Research

    • Fragile X Clinics

    • Fragile X Research

    • Quiz - Clinics and Research

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    NFXF Resources

    • Support from the National Fragile X Foundation (NFXF)

    • Awareness

    • NFXF

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    Final Quiz

    • Overall Knowledge Check

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    Additional Course Content

    • Fragile X 101 - Additional Information