Course curriculum

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    NFXF MasterClass™ Fragile X 101 for Educators - Part 2

    • NFXF MasterClass™ - Fragile X 101 for Educators

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    • Introduction to Part 2 of the NFXF MasterClass™- Fragile X 101 for Educators - Hilary Rosselot

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    Strategies and Interventions to Support the Lifelong Learner

    • Strategies to apply to best support the learning style of an individual with Fragile X syndrome - Tracy Stackhouse

    • Factors that Affect School Performance and Participation - Marcia Braden

    • Educational Placements - Marcia Braden

    • Support Strategies for the Educational Setting - Marcia Braden

    • Using the Cognitive Research Information to Struture the Learning Environment - Marcia Braden

    • Review of Curricula and Resources - Marcia Braden

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    Key Take-Aways and Conclusion

    • Key Take-Aways - Tracy Stackhouse

    • Key Take-Aways - Marcia Braden

    • Conclusion of NFXF MasterClass™ Fragile X 101 for Educators - Part 2 - Hilary Rosselot

    • More resources for you

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    Learning Assessment and Survey

    • Learning Assessment - NFXF MasterClass™ - Fragile X 101 for Educators

    • Course Survey