Course curriculum

  • 1

    NFXF MasterClass™ Genetics of Fragile X

    • Introduction to the National Fragile X Foundation (NFXF) and the NFXF MasterClass™

  • 2


    • Introduction to the NFXF and NFXF MasterClass™ - Hilary Rosselot

  • 3

    Introduction to Fragile X Genetics - Susan Howell

    • Introduction to Fragile X Genetics

  • 4

    FMR1 - Associated Conditions and Disorders

    • Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) - Susan Howell

    • Fragile X Premutation - Matthew Walsh

  • 5

    Summary and Key Take-aways

    • Summary and Key Take-aways - Susan Howell and Matthew Walsh

  • 6

    Genetic Counseling Considerations and Challenges

    • Counseling and Considerations - Susan Howell and Matthew Walsh

    • Question and Answer - Hilary Rosselot, Susan Howell, and Matthew Walsh

  • 7

    Resources and Research for FMR1-Associated Conditions and Disorders

    • Resources and Research - Hilary Rosselot

    • More resources for you

  • 8

    Learning Assessment and Survey

    • Learning Assessment - NFXF MasterClass™ Genetics of Fragile X

    • Final Steps